Thursday, February 19, 2015

Use Social Media to Build your Avon business!

Social media is a fabulous tool to help build your Avon business online. There are several social media sites I use to build my business. Below are a few:

  • Google+
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Tumblr
Now if you are truly serious about building your online business you want to be able to do posts for all your social media sites at least once a day. You can do different things related to sales, recruiting for your team, or both.

Here are some ideas to consider for posting

  • >>Sales Coupon Codes: These coupon codes can include Free shipping codes, or 60% off beauty products, etc. 
  • >>How to Videos: These are great because you aren't consistently posting things that say "JOIN MY TEAM!" or "BUY FROM ME" instead you are giving tips for how to apply foundation, use a new nail polish, or the cat-eye technique. 

  • >>Tips for preparing books for tossing, making beauty baskets, or preparing bombitas
  • >>Recruiting. Talk about the benefits of Avon, what to expect when they join, and what made YOU decide to join Avon?
  • >>Favorite product postings. Ask Customers or your Audience what they use on their face on a daily basis. Then if they use something other then Avon, have them compare an Avon product from their product, maybe give them a 2 week trial and if they like the product they can purchase it? Or if they own an Avon product, what do they like about it...would they recommend it to others?
  • >>Talk about you! Mention things about you that would keep your audience interested as well. You don't want to be ALL Avon ALL the time. But it does help when you talk about a few moments in your life as well
  • >>Facebook groups and Google+ communities help a lot. Consider joining groups to post in! 

If you are consistent with this, you will see the fruits of your labor, you just have to keep at it!

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